Party qualifiers

This page contains a brief explanation of different parties that occurs in EDI documents.

Supplier / Seller

Identity of a party formally defined as the seller in a commercial agreement.

EDI standard



SU (Supplier)


Identity of a party from whom the goods will be sent from.

Identity used when the supplier wants to specify that the goods are sent from another party than the supplier. If a shipper is not specified it is presumed that the goods are sent from the supplier. The shipper can for example be an internal or external warehouse unit.

EDI standard



SH (Shipper)

Ship from location

Identity of a location from which the trade item may be shipped, or picked up by the retailer.

If the buyer and the supplier have agreed that the goods will be picked up by the buyer, but a “ship from” location is not specified, it is presumed that goods should be picked up at the shipper. If nor a shipper is specified it is presumed that the goods should be picked up at the supplier.

EDI standard



SF (Ship from)

Invoice issuer

The identity of a party that issues invoices.

The attribute is used when the supplier has engaged another company to issue invoices. The invoice issuer and the supplier are then not the same legal entity. If an invoice issuer is not specified it is presumed that the invoice is issued by the supplier. It must be possible to find the corresponding name, address etc. from the identity throughout the entire archive period.

EDI standard



II (Issuer of invoice)


Identity of the party who is the recipient of a payment.

If a payee is not specified it is presumed that the invoice issuer is the payee. If nor an invoice issuer is specified it is presumed that the supplier is the payee. It must be possible to derive the corresponding name, address etc. from the identity during the complete filing period.

EDI standard



PE (Payee)


Identity of a party formally defined as the buyer in a commercial agreement.

EDI standard



BY (Buyer)


Identity of a party who approves receipt of goods.

Identity used when another party than the buyer should approve the receipt of goods. If a consignee is not specified it is presumed that the consignee is the same as the buyer and the goods will be delivered to the buyer's address. The consignee can for example be the buyer’s central goods terminal.

EDI standard



CN (Consignee)

Delivery place

Identity of the location to where the goods will be delivered.

Identity used when a specific delivery place should be specified. If a delivery place is not specified it is presumed that the goods should be delivered to the consignee’s address. If nor a consignee is specified it is presumed that the goods should be delivered to the buyers address. The delivery place can for example be a loading platform.

EDI standard



DP (Delivery party)

Ultimate consignee

Identity of the party who is the ultimate receiver of the goods.

The attribute is used when the buyer wants to specify where the goods ultimately should be delivered. An ultimate consignee can for example be a final recipient or a store at cross docking.

EDI standard



UC (Ultimate consignee)


Identity of the party to whom invoices are issued on behalf of the buyer.

Identity used when the buyer has engaged another company to pay the invoices. The invoicee and the buyer are then not the same legal entity. If an invoicee is not specified it is presumed that the buyer is the invoicee.

EDI standard



IV (Invoicee)

Invoice recipient

Identity of the party at the buyer whom invoices should be addressed to.

Identity used when the buyer wants to forward the invoice to a specific unit for handling. The invoice recipient and the buyer belong to the same legal entity. If an invoice recipient is not specified it is presumed that the buyer is the invoice recipient.

EDI standard



ITO (Invoice recipient party)

Last updated